Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author(s) certifies that this paper has not been published previously in any other journal and declares that the work submitted has not been send to any other scientific journal for evaluation.
  • The author(s) certifies that the work submitted fulfills the reference format and the style requirements indicated in Author Guidelines.

  • The author(s) declares that, in case the work has received financial support, it is clearly identified in the text.

  • The author(s) declares that, in case the work has been presented in a congress, scientific meeting or similar, it is clearly identified in the text.

  • In case of acceptance, the author(s) will transfer exploitation rights to Ocnos. Procedure indicated at 17 to 21 articles of Spanish Copyright Law.

  • The author(s) also authorize the inclusion of the paper in national and international indexes, catalogs and databases

  • The main text is presented completely anonymously, ensuring that there are no personal data or the authors, their institutions or research projects to which it is associated. It has also been verified in the anonymity of the word file without personal data associated with the properties of the document.

Authors should submit their manuscript online through the Ocnos online platform. Once authors have registered as AUTHOR on the platform, it is necessary to upload the manuscript in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word versions). In case any problem or question arise involving manuscript submission, the author may write via e-mail to: secretaria.ocnos@uclm.es

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before or that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

Manuscript admitted

The journal admits two types of manuscripts: (1) empirical research and (2) theoretical reviews.

According to these two types of manuscripts authors should organize their work in the following way:

1)Empirical research: Introduction, Method, Results, Discurssion/Conclusions, Notes and References (list references alphabetically at the end of the paper). The length of a regular report is 25 to 30 manuscript pages, including references, notes, tables and figures.

2)Theoretical review: Research problem (introduction, complete description of the “state of art”, Topic development (including specific sections according to the topic explained), Discussion and/or Conclusion, and References (list references alphabetically). The length of a regular theoretical review is 25 to 30 pages, including notes, figures and references.

Text formatting and manuscript submission.

Editorial board first screen all manuscripts for content and style (correct spelling, punctuation and grammar; accuracy and consistency in the citation figures, tables, and references); and stylistic uniformity of entries in the References section. Manuscript submitted to Ocnos can be rejected in this first evaluation. Authors should carefully review content and style before submission. Authors should also be careful about formal aspects describe below:

1.General format guidelines

Manuscript should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced.

Ocnos Journal admits and publishes manuscripts in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

2.Documents to submit

Main document

First page:

The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the work in bold.

Abstract. No longer than 200 words. The abstract should include the essential aspects of the work, should be brief and informative, using the reflexive voice (e.g. “the study was conducted”, “self-reported measure were used”).

The authors should provide the key words (4-6 words). The first letter in each word should be type in capitals. Key words should be separated by a semi-colon.

Title, abstract and keywords should be presented in the original language of the manuscript and also in English (when the original language is English, the title, abstract and key words should also be written in Spanish).

First page should not contain information about the authors.

Text formatting:

The 2010 (sixth) edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (3rd edition in Spanish) should be used as the style guide for the preparation of manuscripts.

  • Title, sections and sub-sections should be in bold but never in capitals.
  • Use a normal, plaint form (Times New Roman) for text.
  • Use italics for words in other languages.
  • Use tab function at the beginning of each paragraph.
  • Footnotes should be located in the page where correspond, not at the end of the document.
  • Scripts, not other figures, should be used on lists.
  • Tables and figures should be types on a separate pare, numbered and referred to by number in the text.

-Figures and illustration should also be sent in a separated electronic archive.

Document identifying authors

This should include:

  • Title in both Spanish (or the original language of the manuscript) and English.

-Name and surname of the author/s, institutional affiliation, full address of all the authors (including e-mail, and postal address), and acknowledges if any.

Authors should check during the submission process that this archive is not selected to show to the reviewers.

Optional archives

Online submissions allow to upload other documents that authors want that reviewers considered in the evaluation of the manuscript. Example: illustration in .jpg or .tif format.



Cite references in the text by name and year in parenthesis. Textual cites should be indicated as follow:

  • Less than 40 words use quotes and text in plaint.

b)More than 40 words should be included as an independent paragraph without using quotes. Use tab in the left margin and 10-point Times New Roman.

No italics will be used in both cases. Author of the citation should be included in parenthesis, with publication year and page (e.g. Morilla, 2010, p. 84).

Reference list

List references alphabetically at the end of the paper. Each listed reference should be cited in text including all the authors, and each text citation should be listed in the References section. The references should be up-to-date and follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA).



a)Journal article

Hughes-Freeland, F.(1997). Consciousness in performance: A Japanese theory.Social Anthropology, 5, 55-68.

b)Journal article without DOI:

Martín Fuertes, J. A. (1998). Los orígenes de la imprenta en León. Avance sobre un trabajo de investigación en curso.Anales de Documentación: Revista deBiblioteconomía y Documentación, 1, 125-136. Recuperado dehttp://revistas.um.es/analesdoc/article/view/3061

c)Journal article with DOI:

Lacalle, C.(2012). Género y edad en la recepción de la ficción televisiva.Comunicar, 39, 111-118. doi: 10.3916/C39-2012-03-01


Carr, W. y Kemmis, S. (1988).Teoría y crítica de la enseñanza. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.

e)Book chapter:

García Padrino, J. (2003). Clásicos de la Literatura Infantil Española. En P. C.Cerrillo y S. Yubero,La formación de mediadores para la promociónde la lectura(pp. 51-64). Cuenca: Cepli.

  1. f) Ebooks:

Cerrillo, P. C. (2010). Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y educación literaria. Recuperado de http://elibros.octaedro. com/downloadf.asp?m=10107.pdf


Reviewing process

  • Ocnos will notify the author(s) when the manuscript is received. Every manuscript will be initially review by a member of the Editorial Board who will coordinate the revision process. If the manuscript agrees with the scope of the journal and fulfills the formal requirements, described in these instructions, it will be sent to tow expert (referees).
  • The referees are external expert to the journal. They will send a report to the Journal suggesting or rejecting the manuscript publication. The review process is “doubled blinded” (authors and reviewers are anonymous for each other). Editorial board members are the link between author(s) and referees.
  • The decision adopted should be:
  • Acceptance without modifications.
  • Acceptance with minor changes.
  • Major changes. The modified manuscript will be reviewed again.
  • Rejection

The authors will receive the referee’s comments and the associate editor’s report informs them of the decision adopted about their work.

4.Evaluation process’ status: authors may check at any time the evaluation process’ status through the web: http://ocnos.revista.uclm.es