Readings for diversity abilities and variables of use in future teachers

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Aurora Martínez-Ezquerro


The need for adequate training in attention to diversity and its reading possibilities in the classrooms of future teachers is an educational and, therefore, a social objective. The aim of the present study is to know the training that students have regarding diversity and their readings in order to assess the situation. To address the proposed work, the concepts of diversity and attention to diversity are first defined; then, the analytical study carried out with 70 fourth grade students in Primary Education (University of La Rioja) during three academic courses is presented. This quantitative exploration offers the results of the media variables, thematic preferences and the choice of a reading on attention to diversity for the classroom. From the collected data, we can conclude that, globally, they respond to the urgency of an adequate training on diversity, especially bearing in mind that the global computer network is the most consulted when there is a need to know –versus other important channels in educational scopes- Thus, curtails the vision of the wide range that shapes the subject in question.

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How to Cite
Martínez-Ezquerro, A. (2020). Readings for diversity: abilities and variables of use in future teachers. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 19(3).


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