The adolescent as a reader of literary texts literary reading habits in Secondary Education

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Paula Rivera Jurado
Manuel Francisco Romero Oliva


This study aims to find out which titles are included in the reading habits of students in the 4th year of ESO and to find out which classics of universal children's and young people's literature they know in order to analyse, finally, what relationship exists between this data and the nature of the different educational centres of origin. A representative sample of 647 secondary education students was selected, with sample valuation d = 0.05, who answered a questionnaire about their reader profile. The results show four reader groups: nonreaders, accidental, middle and frequent readers. Significant results are found: students categorized as nonreaders and accidental readers of universal literary works show the same number of readings for pleasure as frequent readers. From the results of the research, the creation of formative routes is defended, including titles of student´s interest along with classical pieces of work for a literary education.

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How to Cite
Rivera Jurado, P., & Romero Oliva, M. F. (2020). The adolescent as a reader of literary texts: literary reading habits in Secondary Education. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 19(3).


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