Construction and Validation of a Reading Motivation Scale for Language and Communication Teachers (EMLPLC).

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Mijal Jodeck-Osses
Daniela Tapia-Salinas
Anibal Puente


Reading, understood as a universal tool, constitutes a determining and transversal factor in school and social learning. In psychology and didactics, the interest in inquiring about the reading practices of those teachers in charge of mediating this process is growing, under the assumption that those considered good readers are also better mediators of the reading learning process of their students. To this aim, a Likert-type motivational scale has been constructed and validated, taking the judgments of eight experts as information. The scale is inspired by the Expectation-Value Theory of Eccles & Wigfield (2002), which highlights the indicators referring to the reading habits of teachers in the personal and professional sphere. The scale was validated using the Lawshe (1975) statistical procedure, modified by Tristán-López (2008), which allowed defining the relevance and clarity of the Expectation-Value indicators. The results of the study confirm that the reading motivation scale designed for language and communication teachers, in a Chilean sample, is a valid and reliable instrument that allows discovering the strengths and weaknesses in the field of reading motivation, through the assessment of their own expectations and the value placed on reading.

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How to Cite
Jodeck-Osses, M., Tapia-Salinas, D., & Puente, A. (2021). Construction and Validation of a Reading Motivation Scale for Language and Communication Teachers (EMLPLC). Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 20(3).


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