Blogs and reading A critical analysis of research articles

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Anna Esteve-Guillen


The literary blogosphere has undergone a transformation in recent years. Its most effervescent period, the first decade of the millennium, has given way to a migration towards other platforms and social networks. This article analyses research on literary blogs and their role in prescribing readings. The research included in the study was published between 2000-2020 in international journals indexed in Scopus WoS and ERIC, as well as in Google Scholar, LISA and other databases. My objective is to analyse the literary blog as an agent that takes part in constituting the literary canon. Through the literature review, we observe the topics that have aroused the interest of international researchers with regards to literary blogs: profiling of bloggers and readers, discursive characterization of blog reviews, debate on the coexistence of or competition between amateur and professional literary criticism, and the relationship between blogging and buying books

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How to Cite
Esteve-Guillen, A. (2022). Blogs and reading: A critical analysis of research articles. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 21(1).


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