Iconographic repertories and textual modalities The reconstruction of identity in Emil Ferris´ and Una´s graphic novels

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José-Manuel Trabado-Cabado


This paper aims to study the different discursive strategies used to find a language to express traumatic feelings in comics. Attention is focused on Emile Ferrris´ Lo que más me gusta son los monstruos and Una´s Una entre muchas.  The analysis aims to study the construction of iconographic repertories that visually shape the story conceived as a device to organize text and confer meaning to discourse.  While Emil Ferris uses what we can call a sort of graphic Koiné rooted in conventions taken from terror films and comics, Una creates a new graphic code to draw symbolic images valid only for that concrete context: she creates a graphic idiolect.

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How to Cite
Trabado-Cabado, J.-M. (2023). Iconographic repertories and textual modalities: The reconstruction of identity in Emil Ferris´ and Una´s graphic novels . Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.18239/ocnos_2023.22.1.338


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