Training transfer of teachers for the promotion of reading

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Marcial Pamies-Berenguer
María-Ángeles Gomariz-Vicente
Antonia Cascales-Martínez


Training transfer of teachers involves the ability to generalise learning to the workplace. In this process, recognising application scenarios and making decisions on the application play an important role. The objective of this research is to explore relationships between conditioning factors affecting the transfer and the activities of identifying application scenarios and the decision-making about it in the context of training programs for the promotion of reading. The participants were 227 active non-university teachers. Two multinomial logistic models were determined to study the links by analysing the odds ratios. The results show that the factor “Design and development of training” is positively linked to both the ability to identify application situations and the decision to carry out an effective application. On the other hand, the “External locus of control” is positively linked to decision-making about carrying out an effective application. In conclusion, dimensions have been identified on which to design intervention actions to improve the transfer of lifelong learning aimed at promoting reading.

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Pamies-Berenguer, M., Gomariz-Vicente, M.- Ángeles, & Cascales-Martínez, A. (2023). Training transfer of teachers for the promotion of reading. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 22(2).


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