Gamification narratives and competency assessment in initial teacher training

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Lourdes Villalustre-Martínez


Gamification is being used both as a learning tool and as a resource to enhance the motivation and involvement of learners, but it can also be used as a means for narrative creation. Thus, a methodological strategy based on the design of gamified storytelling to simultaneously address several competencies is presented. The aim of the present study was to examine the narrative, digital, creative and didactic competencies during the design of a gamified storytelling. Possible gender differences in these competencies were analysed and to what extent digital, creative and didactic competency can predict narrative literacy. An instrument (COMP-NDCDD) was developed to assess the achievement levels of the aforementioned competencies in the 176 university students who participated in the study. The main results reveal that males obtained higher scores in narrative and digital competencies compared to females. However, no significant differences were found in the creative and didactic competencies between both genders. Likewise, it was evident that digital literacy presented a significant weight when predicting the level of achievement of students in terms of narrative literacy.

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Villalustre-Martínez, L. (2024). Gamification narratives and competency assessment in initial teacher training. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 23(2).


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