Promoting books and encouraging reading through literary influencers on TikTok

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Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
Yuri-Edith Torres-Huamanyauri


The emergence of the new BookTok reading community has led to the emergence of the figure of the literary influencer who disseminates, through their own channels and content, their literary preferences to young users interested in reading. This study analyses the communicative strategy of literary influencers on TikTok. Content analysis is used to study the profiles of the main 30 Spanish literary influencers and their 1471 videos published between 24 February and 24 April 2022 —coinciding with the International Book Day campaign— and in-depth interviews with 7 booktokers to find out their point of view in relation to their contributions to the promotion of reading and the increase in book consumption in Spain. The study concluded that literary influencers collaborate with publishers due to the wide reach of their content. Furthermore, they believe that the communicative and promotional actions booktokers carry out contribute to the increase in sales and the promotion of reading.

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How to Cite
Segarra-Saavedra, J., & Torres-Huamanyauri, Y.-E. (2024). Promoting books and encouraging reading through literary influencers on TikTok. Ocnos. Journal of reading research, 23(2).
Segarra-Saavedra and Torres-Huamanyauri: Promoting books and encouraging reading through book influencers on TikTok


Social networks are important tools for the dissemination of messages and content of great reach and impact. Proof of this is that TikTok has 908 million monthly active users () and is the most popular and used social network ().

As in most digital communities, there are niches and opportunities that allow users share experiences and interests. Booktokers are TikTok users who share content about books and reading experiences (). Just likepublishing communities on YouTube (BookTube) and Instagram (BookStagram), BookTok allows readers, mainly teenagers, to meet and connect with their peers to create spaces based on a common interest: reading. Pedagogies and peer-to-peer learning are often central features of the relationships formed between “microcelebrities” () and their fans. TikTok users share their passion for books, bringing to life the titles they love and reshaping the publishing industry.

Unlike traditional media, users produce content in an entertaining way, which makes the space more welcoming and the experience more satisfying. Its interactive nature improves young people’s engagement with reading and can influence the reader’s choice (). Therefore, this paper focuses on analysing the communication and content of book influencers on TikTok as well as their perceptions regarding the promotion of reading.

Evolution of the publishing sector in Spain

According to , there are two main publishing groups in Spain that cover a large part of the market: Grupo Planeta and Grupo Penguin Random House, which in turn have independent publishers with a greater diversity of literary genres.

Digital transformation has led to changes in the format and consumption of reading. This is confirmed by the barometers in Hábitos de lectura y compra de libros en España en 2017 y 2022 (Reading habits and book purchases in Spain in 2017 and 2022). Reading in non-analogue format is growing, having risen from 12% in 2012 to 27% today, especially considering that in 2010 only 5% of readers chose this format (FGEE, ; ). Furthermore, it shows that the age group that buys the most books is between 14 and 24 years old (74.8%).

The book industry has had to adapt its promotional strategy to go online through digital marketing, having a presence in social networks and benefiting from digital literary communities ().

Influencers and commercial communication

Influencers and digital media are a social and commercial phenomenon, as influencer marketing has an impact on the decision-making of consumers. Based on the impact of former celebrities (), their power attracts marketing professionals, advertisers and agencies in sectors such as fashion (; ; ); beauty (); healthy living () or tourism (; ) under materialistic motivations () but effectively (; ; ).

Publishers and authors seize this opportunity and try to forge a digital reputation in the hands of a consumer (crossumer, prosumer, persumer, fansumer) who, thanks to social media, spreads and shares their opinions and experiences (). According to , content starring influencers receives more attention among young people and facilitates their understanding, thus encouraging them to purchase the recommended products, although sometimes bordering on illegality (; ; ; ).

According to , the publishing industry uses interactive spaces to maintain direct contact with readers. For , publishers have had to face changes in production, consumption and format. New technologies and social networks have opened up a world of formats such as BookTok, starring young readers who share their reading opinions to the point of becoming an extremely important publishing promotion tool because they also use their own language, with a mastery of audiovisual communication and technique (), thus diluting the figure of the publisher as the main promotional agent ().

TikTok and the BookTok phenomenon

TikTok fuses music with lip-sync, comedy and trending content from microblogs within 15-second videos, allowing users to easily align the special visual effects of the videos with the chosen music ().

It has progressively increased its notoriety, becoming the fastest growing social network in number of users (), but its algorithm is different: the more time a user spends on a video, the more likely it is to go viral and will allow more videos from the creator to appear the next time the user checks their own homepage, even if they do not follow the creator. However, TikTok is also guided by trends and hashtags that allow users to find content.

According to Forbes, 17-year-old Charlie D’Amelio was the highest earning tiktoker in 2021 at EUR 17 million () and her sister Dixie D’Amelio was the second highest paid (EUR 10 million in revenue) (). Overall, tiktokers grossed USD 55.5 million, a 200% increase over 2020 (). This is not surprising according to , for whom TikTok stars can charge up to half a million dollars for a post.

In the publishing sector, the BookTok community has emerged as the TikTok subculture dedicated to the reading and discussion of (mostly) young adult literature () where users talk about their favourite books or dissect their favourite literary tropes. Emerging initially as a reading community with the same set of skills, uses, codes and interests (), it has shifted towards the digital, shaping a community that develops diverse forms of exchange: sharing comments, annotations, evaluations, tags and, in some cases, books and readings ().

Social reading or reading 2.0 defines a new reality where reading mediation is transformed (; ; ) into open spaces () and shared interests (), allowing interaction between readings and readers (; ) through recommendations of titles, authors, genres and theatrical inside jokes about literature (; ), thus making literature memorable, fun, engaging and socio-culturally relevant. BookTok is a new way for teenage readers to meet and connect because in addition to reading, readers want to talk about and recommend what they read, and the Internet is the ideal medium for this as it allows them to do so in a massive and amplified way (). Likewise, the BookTok community represents a reconversion of the amateur reader into a reader-promoter and energiser of reading that mobilises a diversity of strategies and content related to the world of literary fiction ().

analysed the use of hashtags on TikTok and found that #BookTok was one of the most popular contents that continue to be used, especially as of March 2020, the hashtag grew significantly (…), and there are currently more than 5 million videos, amounting to a total of more than 22 billion views ().


Objectives and hypothesis

The general objective of this research is to analyse the profiles and contents of the main booktokers in Spain, as well as to examine their opinions regarding their contribution to the increase in reading and book consumption. In order to achieve this, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  • - SO1. To analyse the publishing sector in Spain.
  • - SO2. To identify the main book influencers on TikTok in Spain.
  • - SO3. To analyse their communication and contents linked to the industry.
  • - SO4. To identify the most popular books and their characteristics.
  • - SO5. To find their point of view in relation to their contributions to the promotion of reading and the increase in book consumption.

The following hypotheses are proposed:

  • - H1. The publishing industry in Spain has increased book sales in recent years.
  • - H2. The majority of TikTok book influencers in Spain are women.
  • - H3. The reading of eBooks is mainly encouraged.
  • - H4. They perceive that this increase in sales and book reading is due to the actions they carry out on TikTok and other social networks, such as YouTube and Instagram.

Research tools, sample and inclusion/exclusion criteria

This qualitative and exploratory research uses content analysis of the profiles and content of book influencers on TikTok, as well as seven in-depth interviews, as and did, with book influencers to determine their point of view and relationship with the publishing industry and its impact on the promotion of reading and the increase in book consumption.

The identification of the Spanish booktokers was based on a search on TikTok using the hashtags #booktok, #booktoker, #booktokespaña and #booktokespañol. We then proceeded to select those who had more than 9,000 followers and more than 260,000 likes on their posts, given that they are the most active and share frequent content.

Table 1Sample of thirty influencers analysed 
No. User URL No. of followers No. of likes No. of videos
1 @ir_zuIryna 1.400.000 70.600.000 1.200
2 @maryam.and.books 1.400.000 16.800.000 444
3 @mar.flz 252.100 4.600.000 744
4 @letiziaalg21 201.800 9.000.000 1430
5 @adictaalibros 180.700 4.700.000 345
6 @josudiamond 161.800 4.300.000 348
7 @anyreads 142.000 3.400.000 147
8 @raquelbookish 130.400 1.800.000 435
9 @puchiibooks 127.000 4.100.000 583
10 @booksbymaria_ 121.100 3.800.000 654
11 @ohvioletbooks 121.000 349.700 246
12 @paycivbooks 96.000 3.000.000 529
13 @lonoabooks 89.000 3.200.000 258
14 @esperanzalruz 88.100 5.000.000 1217
15 @gemmabooks 83.700 2.000.000 429
16 @goikobooks 72.500 1.500.000 402
17 @patriciabema 66.700 861.500 198
18 @liasmoments 49.000 2.100.000 299
19 @andreorowling 49.000 539.000 86
20 @be.betweenbooks 42.800 857.500 283
21 @vanessarmigliore 28.300 374.300 307
22 @bibianainbookland 24.600 259.800 269
23 @fantasyliterature 23.400 469.600 630
24 @anhelbooks 21.500 1.000.000 505
25 @nosoyclauuu 20.000 959.400 226
26 @talibookclub 19.100 602.400 116
27 @adeladombooks 15.600 256.600 659
28 @b0oks4u 12.000 504.600 91
29 @mareads 11.200 372.600 99
30 @nuripeer 9.479 398.000 90

Source: own authors.

Study period, content analysis units, variables and categories

The content analysis covered 60 days (from 24th February to 24th April 2022), coinciding with the promotional period prior to 23rd April, International Book Day, when the main book fairs in Spain usually take place.

Two units of analysis have been taken as a reference:

  • - The profile on TikTok.
  • - Each of the contents posted in that period.

On 22nd April 2022, the profiles of the 30 book influencers on TikTok were analysed using these variables:

  • - Name and surname.
  • - User.
  • - Profile URL.
  • - Tag/s.
  • - Bio.
  • - No. of followers, followed, likes and videos posted.

The 1471 videos of the 30 book influencers were analysed between 24 April and 10 June 2022 using these variables and categories:

  • - User.
  • - URL.
  • - Date posted.
  • - Day of the week.
  • - Type of production: own; duo (reaction to another user’s video); paste (use of part of another user’s video to post one of your own).
  • - Content type: video; live or other.
  • - Duration of the live video.
  • - Influencer presence: alone; with other influencers; anonymous people; or known people.
  • - Use de
    • Text.
    • Questions to encourage interaction and number.
    • Hashtags y number.
  • - Identification of advertising content and type: not applicable; advertising; ad; in collaboration with; sponsored by; ambassador of; thanks to; gifted; other.
  • - Placement of advertising identification: not applicable; text; image; audio; below username; other.
  • - Type of post according to : review; unboxing; top; book haul; wrap up; bookshelf tour; vlogs; book tags; book challenge; theatre.
  • - Number of books promoted.
  • - Title.
  • - Year of publication.
  • - Audience: children’s; juvenile; adult.
  • - Publisher.
  • - Type: print; PDF; ePub; Mobi; AZW; FB2; LIT; LRF; PDB; TCR; other.
  • - Literary genre and sub-genre: epic narrative; lyric from classical Greece; dramatic tragedy; didactic essay.
  • - Gender and number of male/female influencers.
  • - Number of authors/coordinators, name and surname.
  • - Mention of the price of the book.
  • - Price in euros.
  • - Indications of where to buy/download it.
  • - Promotional action: reference to awards, distinctions; nominations; favourable, unfavourable or neutral opinion; giveaway; no promotion.
  • - User tagging and number of tags.
  • - Interactions: number of comments; likes; shares; views ().


This study contacted the 30 tiktokers whose content was being analysed (table 1), but only 7 replied (23.3% response rate). They were asked about 1) identity, age and education/profession; 2) interests in posting content on BookTok, most useful types of posts and elements considered; and 3) relationships or collaborations with publishers, conditions and influence on sales through digital promotions.



The influencers with the most followers are not always the ones with the most likes, because not all videos posted become trending, but it depends on the type of post and the TikTok algorithm.

Table 1 shows that they posted between 86 and 1430 videos since they opened their profiles (average=442), they have between 9 thousand and more than 1 million followers on TikTok and the likes on their posts range between 200 thousand and 70 million.

Booktokers are mostly women (96.7%), with @maryam.and.books and @ir_zuIryna, who have more than 1.4 million followers, being the most popular. However, @ir_zuIryna is more active (1,200 videos) than @maryam.and.books (444) and this influences the number of likes (70.6 and 16.8 respectively). Also noteworthy with more than 100 thousand followers are @mar.flz, @letiziaalg21, @adictaalibros, @josudiamond, @anyreads, @raquelbookish, @puchiibooks, @booksbymaria_ and @ohvioletbooks. It is worth noting that @raquelbrune_, in addition to being a booktoker, is a writer and the author of Los guardianes de almas, one of the most promoted books in this research.

The influencers with the most likes on their videos are @ir_zuIryna, @maryam.and.books and @letiziaalg21, who have more than 9 million.

The booktokers with the fewest followers and likes are @mareads and @nuripeer, as they do not post frequently, while @letiziaalg21 and @esperanzalruz are the most active.


Between 24th February and 24th April 2022, 1,471 videos are counted. The distribution by day of the week is hardly relevant, only Thursday stands out (17%), followed by Wednesday and Monday (both with 15%). 38% of the profiles posts 2 contents per day and only 2% posts 5 videos per day.

The production of own content prevails (99.4%), so they do not depend on other profiles, as well as the video format (100%), not taking advantage of the incipient live broadcasting.

In almost all videos (99%), influencers appear alone. Only 1% appear with anonymous people.

Although they predominantly use videos with text (99%) and mostly use terms related to the BookTok phenomenon (image 1) to make it easier for TikTok users to find their videos by searching for these keywords, they do not ask their followers any questions (95.2%).

Image 1. Most used keywords in videos
Image 1Most used keywords in videos 

On the other hand, they tend to include hashtags (92%) with the majority averaging between 4-7 per video (36.7%) and 8-11 (21.6%).

Only 12% of posts identify advertising content under the tags “advertising” (11.1%), “ad” (0.7%), and “in collaboration with” (0.2%). These identifiers appear mainly in the image (12.4%) or audio (0.1%).

Regarding the type of post, the category “other” stands out (84.4%), which considers the TikTok trend adapted to readers, “To be read” (reading of the month), new books and reading book extracts, among other options. This is due to the changing style of content produced by influencers. However, unboxing (7.2%), reviews (4.1%), and bookshelf tours (1.4%) are also detected.


In 64% of the videos, the title of the book is not mentioned, it does not appear visually or in an image and the user is not tagged. Only 34.7% visually show the title of the book in the posts. Of the videos that mention books, individual mentions (26.1%) or quartet mentions (6.2%) are more common.

Even so, 884 books were counted in the 1471 posts analysed. The main books recommended (table 2) include The Shadows Between Us. A Court of Thorns and Roses. The Love Hypothesis and Crescent City.

Table 2Most popular books on TikTok and frequencies 
The Shadows Between Us 33 Mi amor de wattpad 8
A Court of Thorns and Roses 30 Crave 7
The Love Hypothesis 21 Twilight 7
Crescent City 20 From Blood and Ash 7
Hasta que nos quedemos sin estrellas 20 Kingdom of the Cursed 7
Trilogía Fuego 20 Fresas con chocolate 7
Nosotras en la luna 19 Gallant 7
A Court of Mist and Fury 18 It Happened One Summer 7
Anne sin filtros 13 A Touch of Darkness 7
El mapa de los anhelos 13 La ciudad del silencio 7
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue 13 Reino de papel 7
Te espero en el fin de mundo 13 Un cóctel en chueca 7
Court 12 Boulevard 6
Crush 12 The Language of the Night 6
Heartstopper 12 The Cruel Prince 6
Truly Devious 11 Skandar and the Unicorn Thief 6
A Court of Frost and Starlight 11 Todo lo que nunca fuimos 6
Antes de diciembre 10 Un cuento perfecto 6
Fleur 10 Yerba buena 6
A Court of Silver Flames 10 Lo que cuentan de nosotros 5
Bad Ash 9 A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire 5
Cuando no quedan más estrellas que contar 9 A Deal with the Elf King 5
Los guardianes de almas 9 XOXO 5
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo 9 Beautiful bastard 4
A Court of Wings and Ruin 9 Shadowhunters 4
Destroy Me 8 El vals de la bruja 4
The Comfort Book 8 The Ex Hex 4
Others 339

Source: own authors.

The promotion of recent books (graph 1), mainly published in 2022 (50.3%) and 2021 (17.4%), is more important. As the publication date moves further away, their presence on TikTok decreases.

Graph 1. Year of publication of the promoted books
Graph 1Year of publication of the promoted books 

The books promoted are mainly aimed at young people (97.2%), coinciding with TikTok’s age profile, and to a lesser extent adults (2.4%) and children (0.5%).

Table 3 shows the most represented publishers.

Table 3Publishers and frequencies 
CrossBooks 188 DeBolsillo 12
Planeta 111 Avon Books USA 11
Puck 48 Vr Europa 10
Montena 40 Independent Publishing 9
Umbriel 34 Ediciones B 8
Contraluz 30 Wonderbooks 8
Booket 21 Siren Books 7
Alfaguara infantile y juvenil 20 Hidra 6
Harper Collins 20 Montena 6
Hidra 18 Ediciones Gigamesh 6
Molino 15 Nocturna Ediciones 6
Titan Books 13 Salamandra Infantil 6
Titania 13 La Galera, S.A. 5
Alfaguara 12 Alianza Editorial 4
Penguin Books 12 Penguin 3
Others 182

Source: own elaboration.

Despite being an online channel and targeting young audiences, printed books (95.6%) and ePub (4.4%) predominate in the promotion on TikTok. Narrative and novels (99.8%) stand out as the most promoted literary genre and sub-genre. In terms of gender of authorship, women (91.6%) stand out compared to men (8.4%).

In the videos, there is no record of the price of the books. 92.4% of the videos do not make any promotion, 4.5% offer a neutral opinion about the book and 2.4% a favourable one.

Only 7% of the 1471 publications tag users. There are 116 tagged users/profiles (table 4), mostly publishers, which suggests that the influencers collaborate with them.

Table 4Tagged users and frequencies 
@teenplanetlibro_ 27 @Duomo Ediciones 2
@penguinlibros 17 @ariana_godoyc 2
@Harperkids Ibérica 12 2
@planetadelibros 3 @Josu Diamond 2
@wonderbooksed 3 @Tamara 2
@Soy Cáf 3 @Penguin Random House 1
@yossebooks 3 @Planeta Cómic 1 2 Others 34

Source: own elaboration.

Taking into account the books that appear in the videos, it has been possible to extract the authorship and their frequencies (table 5). The American fantasy writer Sarah Janet Maas stands out.

Table 5Authorship of books mentioned and frequencies 
Sarah J. Maas 106 Alina Not 10 Claire Elise Kovarick 6
Alice Kellen 38 Jennifer L. Armentrout 10 Elisabeth Benavent 6
Tricia Levenseller 35 Taylor Jenkins Reid 10 Flor Salvador 6
Tracy Wolff 34 Matt Haig 9 Julia Quinn 6
Joana Marcús 31 Raquel Brune 9 Nina Lacour 6
V. E. Schwab 25 Kerry Maniscalco 8 Ursula K. Le Guin 6
Ali Hazelwood 21 Penélope Douglas 8 Victoria Resco 6
Ariana Godoy 20 Tahereh Riggs 8 Axie Oh 5
Inma Rubiales 20 Christina Lauren 7 Cassandra Clare 5
Andrea Longarela 18 Collen Hoover 7 Laura Gallego 5
Maureen Johnson 15 Jazmín Riera 7 Leigh Bardugo 5
Holly Black 14 Josu Diamond 7 Belén Martínez 4
María Martínez 14 Scarlett St. Clair 7 Jay Kristoff 4
Alice Oseman 13 Selene S. Campos 7 Rachel Hawkins 4
Iria Selene 13 Stephenie Meyer 7 Others 255
Tessa Bailey 11 Annabel Steadman 6

Source: own elaboration.

As for engagement, 1) the posts with the most comments include unboxings, readings of book extracts and reader trends; 2) in terms of likes, videos in which other users are tagged and unboxings, readings of book extracts and reader trends stand out; 3) the most shared posts are those in which other users are tagged and there are readings of book extracts and reader trends; and 4) the videos with the most views also tag other users and are readings of book extracts and reader trends. However, it is not always the booktokers with the most followers who get the most comments, likes, shares and views.

The point of view of the book influencers

According to their answers, the booktokers are between 16 and 27 years old, 4 are in their last years of high school, 2 have finished their Bachelor’s degree and 1 has a Master’s degree.

Most of them, when they were interviewed, were not part of a book club, but they started to post content due to their interest in reading, in order to recommend the books they liked the most and to share their literary tastes (Gemma González: “Empecé a leer y no veía que se recomendara lo que yo leía, así que me animé” (I started reading and I didn’t see what I was reading being recommended, so I took the plunge).

The posts that they publish the most and that generate the most impact are reviews, recommendations of the latest reading and popular trends on TikTok adapted to books (Adela Domínguez: “Sobre todo creo vídeos con recomendaciones de libros y algún reto viral de la plataforma adaptado a la comunidad lectora. Creo que los que más impacto tienen son aquellos que contienen opiniones impopulares” (I mainly create videos with book recommendations and some viral challenges on the platform adapted to the reading community. I think the ones that have the most impact are those that contain unpopular opinions). For Aiona Avellana, the posts that have the greatest reach are “vídeos haciendo reseña a libros, trends populares en ese momento adaptados a libros y una serie de vídeos que suele gustar mucho es cuando relacionamos series/películas con libros porque su historia es parecida” (videos reviewing books, popular trends at the time adapted to books and a series of videos that tend to be liked a lot is when we relate series/movies to books because their story is similar). This is related to the fact that TikTok trends adapted to BookTok influence the algorithm and, consequently, the video may have more reach.

Among the issues they take into account when recording videos are originality, good lighting, technical quality, stories to be told, transmission of passion for reading and honest opinion of the books. An influencer who remained anonymous commented that “lo más importante es la sinceridad. Con esto me refiero a dar una valoración honesta sobre el libro que haya leído” (the most important thing is sincerity. By this I mean giving an honest opinion of the book I have read), from which it can be inferred that reviews are not always positive.

Most influencers have entered into collaborations with publishers. These consist of publishers sending them books free of charge in exchange for featuring them on their social networks or writing a review. So much so that some booktokers work with publishers, such as Letizia Guerrero: “Actualmente me encuentro trabajando con Crossbooks de Editorial Planeta y me dedico a subir videos a su cuenta de TikTok. Asimismo, he hecho algunas campañas para Penguin” (I am currently working with Editorial Planeta’s Crossbooks and I upload videos to their TikTok account. I have also done some campaigns for Penguin). Another influencer explains: “Umbriel manda un formulario con las novedades de cada mes y de esas elijo como máximo dos de cada una y hago una reseña a cambio y Penguin me suele mandar sus novedades del sello de Wattpad. Aunque a veces escritores se ponen en contacto conmigo para mandarme su libro” (Umbriel sends me a form with each month’s new releases, I choose a maximum of two of each and write a review in exchange; and Penguin usually sends me their new releases from the Wattpad imprint. Sometimes writers contact me to send me their book).

More and more booktokers are spreading the word about books in their social networks through reviews or unboxings. As one of the interviewees commented: “He hecho colaboraciones con dos editoriales: Duomo Ediciones y Harper Collins. Las condiciones son bastante libres, ya que el contenido que puedo realizar tras leer el libro está bajo mi propio juicio. Lo que hago comúnmente son dos vídeos, el primero haciendo un unboxing del paquete y tras haber leído la obra grabo otro diciendo qué me ha parecido y si lo recomendaría” (I have collaborated with two publishers: Duomo Ediciones and Harper Collins. The conditions are quite free, as the content I can make after reading the book is under my own judgement. What I usually do is two videos, the first one unboxing the package and after having read the book I record another one saying what I thought of it and if I would recommend it).

According to Esperanza Luque, one condition is that “la colaboración depende mucho de lo que te pida la editorial en cuestión. Pero, mínimo, enseñar el libro en redes sociales” (collaboration depends a lot on what the publishing house asks of you. But, at the very least, you have to show the book on social networks). However, “Hay algunas que ponen muchas condiciones, algunas te ponen fechas en las que te tienes que leer los libros, te dicen que tienes que grabar ‘x’ vídeos, depende mucho de la editorial y/o autor del libro, ya que ellos también contactan contigo para mandarte su libro y ellos te ponen sus condiciones” (there are some that set a lot of conditions, some give you dates on which you have to read the books, they tell you that you have to record an exact number of videos. It depends a lot on the publisher and/or author of the book, as they also contact you to send you their book and they set their own conditions). For Ainoa Avellana: “Hay varias editoriales que nos han enviado libros más de una vez, una de ellas es Planeta. Las condiciones que normalmente ponen es que sus libros aparezcan en nuestro perfil para que les hagamos publicidad y que tengas bastantes seguidores para que llegue a más gente” (There are several publishers who have sent us books more than once, one of them is Planeta. The condition they normally set is that their books appear in our profile so that we can advertise them and that we have enough followers to reach more people).

Professionalisation is detected, since according to Letizia Guerrero: “Las editoriales te mandan una guía de estilo con lo que debes hacer en el vídeo y luego de grabarlo deben dar su aprobación” (The publishers send you a style guide with what you have to do in the video and after recording it they have to give their approval), as well as a diversification of techniques (Esperanza Luque: “Me invitaron a la #FiestaCrave, que es una fiesta de Halloween que organizó Planeta sobre la Serie Crave” (I was invited to the #FiestaCrave, which is a Halloween party organised by Planeta about the Crave Series).

As far as economic issues are concerned, the situation varies. One booktoker states that “Hay algunas editoriales que pagan, otras que no” (there are some publishers that pay, others that don’t), showing that there are publishers with a budget for promoting books and encouraging reading through influencers.

Publishers do not usually inform influencers about changes in terms of sales due to the promotion of books through social networks, but they do sense it (Letizia Guerrero: “Nunca una editorial, pero sí que lo he notado especialmente con una saga. Cuando empecé a recomendarla no era muy popular y ya va por la 12ª edición” (Never a publisher, but I have noticed it especially with a saga. When I started recommending it, it wasn’t very popular and it’s now in its 12th edition); as another said: “Editoriales no, ya que es muy difícil saber quién ha generado esas ventas ya que normalmente nos envían a varios booktokers los mismos libros, pero autores que me han enviado sus libros sí que me han comentado. O también los mismos compradores te mandan un mensaje diciéndote que se han comprado ‘x’ libro porque lo recomendast” (Not publishers, as it’s very difficult to know who has generated these sales, because they normally send us the same books to several booktokers, but authors who have sent me their books have told me about it. Or even the buyers themselves send messages saying that they have bought some book because I recommended it).

This confirms that publishers, despite using book influencers, are not transparent about the possible increase in sales; however, it would be possible to identify this growth given the popularity acquired by books or sagas through the promotion of booktokers, in addition to other marketing and communication techniques.

Discussion and conclusions

This research has found that publishers consider influencers as a relevant advertising resource for the dissemination and promotion of their books. Therefore, booktokers recommend, review or offer opinions on books, having the possibility of making them popular.

The BookTok community is an exponential phenomenon that has taken relevance in recent times, encouraged by the growth in book publishing, increasingly digital (H1). Book influencers, through their channels and content, are characterized by their authenticity, share literary tastes and generate more closeness with reading communities, in an increasingly professional manner ().

Among the main book influencers in TikTok Spain, women predominate (H2), most notably @ir_zu, @maryam.and.books, @mar.flz, @letiziaalg21 and @adictaalibros. Aged between 16 and 27, they are in their last years of high school or have finished their Bachelor’s degree, have published up to 1430 videos, have more than 1.5 million followers on TikTok and 73.5 million likes.

The main publishers that collaborate with book influencers are Teen Planet, Harper Collins, Penguin books and Planeta de Libros. The Shadows Between Us, A Court of Thorns and Roses, The Love Hypothesis and Crescent City were the most widely spread books. Novels are the most popular, mostly published by Crossbooks, Planeta, Puck, Montena and Umbriel. Contrary to what was expected (H3), they mainly promote printed books, despite using digital channels for their prescriptive work. This data contrasts with the barometers of the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE) [Federation of Publishers’ Union of Spain] 2017 and 2022, which make clear that digital book publishing is on the rise. Books published recently and aimed mainly at young people and children are the most popular, data that coincide with the FGEE (2017; ), which identifies people between 14 and 24 as the main buyers of books.

Booktokers perceive that the increase in sales and book reading is due to the promotional actions carried out on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram (H4). However, these opinions may be biased and it would be appropriate to appeal to the transparency and reliability of information from publishers, as well as in the point of view of readers. The results of this study coincide with , according to whom publishers adapted to the BookTok community through relevant book influencers by giving or offering them books to increase their sales.

Publishers are more aware of the importance of collaborating with influencers for the dissemination of their books and publishing brands and therefore contemplate them in their communication () and commercial strategies. Thus, more studies on BookTok and the publishing industry are pertinent, given that studies were only found on other social networks such as YouTube or Instagram, or in other economic sectors such as cosmetics and fashion. The hybridization of influencer marketing, the publishing industry and TikTok are the main contributions of this study. Methodologically, it is proposed to analyse the audience and reading community through interviews or surveys, but also to know the experience of authors and publishers through in-depth interviews, for example, with marketing, communication and sales managers.


The research from which this article derives did not receive funding.

It is framed within the research line “Comunicación y diffusion científica” (Communication and scientific dissemination) of the research group Comunicación y públicos específicos (Compubes) (Communication and specific audiences) of the University of Alicante.

Author's contributions

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra: Project administration; Formal analysis; Conceptualization; Writing - original draft; Writing - review a& editing; Investigation; Methodology; Supervision; Validation; Visualization.

Yuri-Edith Torres-Huamanyauri: Formal analysis; Conceptualization; Data curation; Writing - review a& editing; Investigation; Methodology; Visualization.



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