Promotion of executive functions and fluency through games in students with late entry into the educational system
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Students with specific educational support needs, particularly those with late entry into the educational system, tend to have low motivation and develop low expectations regarding their abilities. This study proposes using board games through an intervention program to develop executive functions and Spanish vocabulary. A quantitative pretest-post-test study with a control group was conducted to evaluate the program’s effectiveness using the Rey Complex Figure Test (Rey, 2003) and Verbal Fluency from Evaluación Neuropsicológica de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Niños (Portellano et al., 2009). The study involved 46 immigrant students who had a late entry into the educational system at a school in a socially disadvantaged area of Andalusia. The results show that participants in the experimental group benefited from the program, with significant differences observed in the studied variables. It is concluded that game-based learning can be an effective educational tool for developing cognitive abilities and fostering vocabulary in students requiring linguistic adaptation.
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