The aim of this study is to compare the features that characterise reading in Spanish, in dyslexic children and typical readers based on their eye movements, according to the different variables that characterise them: reading time, number and duration of fixations, amplitude, duration and speed of saccades, number of regressions and path length. The eye movements of 36 children aged 9-10 years (16 of whom were diagnosed with dyslexia) were studied while reading words and texts. The analysis showed significant differences in some of the variables studied. Dyslexic children perform a greater number of fixations, require more time to complete the reading task, perform shorter saccades and more regressions compared to typical readers. The average path length and the duration of fixations are similar in both groups.
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Rodríguez, K.-V., Fonseca, L., Iaconis, F.-R., Del-Punta, J., & Gasaneo, G. (2025). Eye tracking studies, a way to understand difficulties in reading processing. Ocnos. Journal of reading research, 24(1).
Rodríguez, Iaconis, Del-Punta, Fonseca, and Gasaneo: Eye tracking studies, a way to understand difficulties in reading processing
Dyslexia, a specific learning difficulty (SLD) in reading, affects a significant proportion
of the population, estimated at between 5% and 10% (; ; ). People suffering therefrom experience persistent challenges in the process of learning
to read. It is crucial to detect dyslexia at early stages so that appropriate educational
strategies can be implemented from the initial school years. It is widely recognised
that reading ability is the most essential instrumental skill in the school environment,
becoming a fundamental tool that facilitates other learning processes. This skill
transcends the mere acquisition of reading, serving as a means for acquiring knowledge.
The International Dyslexia Association defines dyslexia as a specific learning difficulty
(SLD) likely of neurobiological origin, characterised by difficulties in accurate
and/or fluent word recognition, as well as in decoding and spelling (; ). These difficulties are usually the result of a deficit in the phonological component
of language. They are unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities that develop
typically with appropriate schooling. As secondary consequences of these difficulties,
problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience may arise, potentially
impacting vocabulary growth and the acquisition of new knowledge.
Dyslexia is considered the most common learning disorder () and is characterised by difficulty in reading and spelling words despite adequate
intellectual resources and learning opportunities (). indicated that reading, unlike spoken language, does not develop naturally or universally,
and unexpected difficulties may emerge despite prior controlled conditions.
The latest research on the definition of dyslexia (; ) emphasises the idea of persistent reading difficulties, offering its most recent
definition: a persistent and unexpected difficulty in developing word reading skills,
given age and experience ().
The development of reading skills takes several years, beginning when children learn
the initial steps of decoding between the ages of 4 and 7, depending on environmental
characteristics and the emerging language. A key factor in this process is the type
of stimulation promoted in school, which varies across different countries and educational
systems. Learning phoneme-grapheme correspondence rules takes around two years, depending
on the orthographic complexities unique to each language (; ). However, reading speed continues to progress throughout various school stages,
ultimately achieving a rate of 200 to 300 words per minute when reading continuous
text. This gradual automatisation of reading prevents interference with more complex
processes, such as reading comprehension ().
Spanish is identified as a transparent language, a feature that plays a key role in
learning written language. classified European orthographic systems in a cross-linguistic study, distinguishing
syllabic complexity and the balance of opacity and transparency in the decoding process.
This study became a key foundation for the LEE test (Reading and Writing in Spanish)
(), from which the Word Reading, Pseudoword Reading, and Text Comprehension tests were
In the study by , Spanish is described as a transparent language, as there is a one-to-one correspondence
between phonemes and graphemes, with some exceptions that are more pronounced in Rioplatense
Spanish, such as the phonological representation of “c,” “s,” or “z,” which are recognised
by the same phoneme, and the presence of numerous homophones. This transparency facilitates
the acquisition of written language. In contrast, in opaque orthographies with more
complex syllables, learning to read would be more challenging. Dyslexia in Spanish
is also influenced by the orthographic transparency of the language, with reading
speed being the key distinguishing factor, as accuracy is easier to acquire (; ).
Both decoding and comprehension are fundamental components of reading and are intrinsically
related; if decoding is inadequate, the purpose of reading is not achieved (; ), as the ultimate goal is comprehension. Therefore, reading constitutes a complex
process requiring the integration and coordination of various perceptual (visual,
auditory, and phonological), attentional, motor, linguistic, and cognitive processes,
all operating simultaneously at a remarkable speed. Each of these processes must function
precisely and swiftly before being integrated within milliseconds to enable the reading
of a single word.
From a visual perspective, reading involves extracting information from text presented
as an image. Due to the characteristics of the visual system, the text can only be
processed in fragments, achieved through eye movements (hereafter EMs) that position
each fragment of text within the fovea, the part of the eyes with the highest resolution.
Several motor areas of the brain are required to execute the eye movement from one
word to the next. The brain breaks down the image into pieces that are analysed as
they pass through the angular gyrus, Wernicke's area, and various other areas of the
brain, eventually linking it to a word or part of a word, thereby giving meaning to
the stimulus.
The study of eye movements during reading has a long history. In recent decades, researchers
in this field have focused on characterising and modelling the different mechanisms
involved in the reading process. Two basic principles govern reading dynamics: where
to look and when to move the eyes to the next target. In attempting to explain these,
a set of metrics has been established to describe the reading process in great detail
(; ).
When reading, the reader makes very rapid movements (called saccades) that shift the
gaze forward along the text (progressive saccades) or backwards (regressions), followed
by moments of relative stability (fixations). The study and detection of eye movements
began in the late 19th century, using observational methods with mirrors (). Decades of technological advances have enabled clinical recording of eye movements,
which can now be easily and precisely recorded with devices known as eye trackers.
Today, many systems use infrared light reflected from the eyes, captured by a video
camera that records eye movements while the subject looks at a series of stimuli,
without requiring physical contact. The corneal reflection of the light is measured
relative to the location of the pupil centre, generating a large amount of data from
which clinically useful information can be extracted. These data can be analysed using
statistical mathematical methods or modelling from a physical perspective. In the
first case, several metrics are defined, such as the number of fixations, fixation
duration and location, saccade amplitude, etc. (). In the second case, the physical aspects of eye movements are studied, considering
the system formed by the oculomotor globe and the muscles involved in eye movement
(; , ; ).The study of these eye movements has allowed for the characterisation of reader
groups with similar characteristics: children beginning to learn, adolescents or adults
without specific difficulties, older adults, and dyslexic individuals, among others.
According to , saccadic movements are rapid movements that enable the eyes to shift from one fixation
point to another, between which information is recognised and processed. In silent
reading, they typically span 7 to 9 characters, although this can vary depending on
the text being read, and their duration ranges from 20 to 40 milliseconds. During
saccadic movements, sensitivity to visual information is reduced, recognised as a
mechanism of saccadic suppression related to inhibition processes. However, it has
been shown that lexical processing is not suppressed ().
Saccadic movements alternate with fixation periods, allowing the reader to jump from
one point to another quickly and discontinuously (). In reading, the gaze focuses on a specific text fragment while visual word recognition
occurs, then jumps to the next fragment or, occasionally, moves backwards to reread
some part of the text, a movement known as a regression. Regressions are small leftward
saccades (in Spanish) that occur when a person needs to reread a section of the text.
They tend to happen when a saccade is too fast or encompasses more information than
the reader can perceive or process. Approximately 10-15% of all saccades are regressions
Fixations refer to the movements that occur when the eye is relatively still and focuses
on a particular target. Their duration is associated with the task at hand, mainly
the cognitive demand required by the task. Generally, fixations last between 150 and
300 milliseconds. In reading, fixation duration averages around 225 ms for silent
reading and about 275 ms for reading aloud (). Fixations account for approximately 90% of reading time, during which the reader
focuses their fovea on a text fragment where information is recorded and analysed.
During this period, the eyes exhibit only brief movements, remaining nearly immobile
while visual word analysis and underlying cognitive processes occur.
Furthermore, fixations depend on the type of text (the more challenging, the more
fixations occur), the reader (skilled readers make fewer, shorter fixations and regress
less), the type of words (for example, content words attract more fixations than functional
words), and so on. Generally, content words receive more fixations than functional
words. Content words are fixated about 85% of the time, while functional words are
fixated only 35% of the time because they tend to be shorter and more frequent ().
The characteristics of children’s eye movements differ from those of adults. Eye movements
seem to reach adult levels around the age of 10-12 (). Preschool-aged children often display small saccades and drifts during fixation.
Their latencies or durations tend to be longer and less precise, for example, when
scanning a scene ().
The number of fixations during reading, their duration, and the percentage of regressions
differ depending on whether the reader is a child learning to read, a skilled adult
reader, an individual over 65, a deaf person, or a person with dyslexia. Young children
learning to read must exert significant effort to recognise the words they see, resulting
in a smaller perceptual span (the number of characters between saccades). Additionally,
children make more regressions because they are uncertain about what they are processing,
as their linguistic and lexical knowledge is still developing ().
Various studies have also concluded that skilled readers' eye movements are under
direct cognitive control (Rayner, ; ). When a reader fixates, examining the duration of fixation and the type of words
they skip or regress to provides valuable information for analysing the underlying
processes in reading as they occur, in real-time. This process develops in parallel
with reading comprehension.
reported in their research that not only is word length important in analysing the
reading process, but prior knowledge of the word also aids in accurate and fluent
recognition and decoding. They observed typical behaviour in children with dyslexia,
who generally made a higher number of fixations, longer fixation durations, and more
regressions on low-frequency words compared to familiar or high-frequency words, suggesting
that eye movements reflect their linguistic processing difficulties.
Similarly, Pirozzolo & Rayner (, ) found that if children with dyslexia are provided with a text suited to their reading
level, their eye movement pattern was similar to that of neurotypical readers of the
same age.
and agree in noting differences between the eye movements of children with dyslexia and
neurotypical readers, emphasising that eye movements are not the cause of reading
difficulties, but rather a reflection of underlying processes. They observed that
dyslexic children, like those learning to read, tend to make shorter saccadic movements,
more fixations, longer fixation durations, and show differences in the number of regressions.
In this study, we explore the contribution of eye tracking to the study of dyslexia
in children. The aim is to identify variables derived from eye movement recordings
that could serve, alongside existing tools, as a diagnostic aid for dyslexia. Eye
movements are physiological metrics that could help differentiate between a poor reader
and a reader with dyslexia, thus providing early guidance for the child in developing
compensatory strategies for this difficulty.
The sample under analysis was classified into two groups. One group consisted of 25
children aged 9-10 who are in the 4th grade of Primary Education at a school of middle
socioeconomic status (SES) in the Greater Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA, Argentina),
representing the typical readers group. Additionally, 11 children with dyslexia, diagnosed
by educational psychologists and residing in the same city area, were evaluated. Parents
of the participants signed an informed consent, and the children provided assent,
with the necessary authorisations from their schools. All participants spoke Spanish
as their mother tongue.
The evaluation procedure involved children reading aloud a list of words and a text
from the LEE test, appropriate for their age. The 25 4th-grade children were assessed
in the school setting, while children with dyslexia were evaluated in the clinical
setting where they had been diagnosed and were receiving weekly treatment. No exclusion
criteria were applied to either group.
The text was presented digitally on the PSIMESH web platform (, developed
and managed by the Integrated Centre for Applied Neurosciences (CINA) in Bahía Blanca.
This platform allows the stimulus to be displayed to the research participant, records
the audio, and tracks eye movements during text reading.
The participating children were shown the text on a computer screen, in black letters
on a white background. Evaluation was individual and conducted on a turn-by-turn basis.
Prior to starting the reading, each child completed eye-tracker calibration, which
involved looking fixedly at a series of points that appeared consecutively until they
disappeared. Once calibration was complete, the child read the text aloud. During
the process, the sensor illuminates the subject with infrared light and records an
image that is analysed in real time, providing the system with gaze position information
on the screen over time.
The recorded data consists of time series indicating the horizontal and vertical coordinates
of the gaze on the screen at each moment, at a frequency specific to the device, 90
Hz in this case. These data are recorded and partially processed through the digital
All children read aloud the word list from the Word Reading test and the text Los delfines from the Reading Comprehension test in the LEE (), displayed on a 17-inch monitor. Figure 1a shows the list comprising 42 words selected based on frequency, length, and type
of orthographic complexity (26 complex words, 8 simple words, and 8 words with consonant
clusters). Figure 1b shows the text Los delfines from the Reading Comprehension test. This is an expository text of medium complexity,
containing 86 words. The reading was done aloud.
Figure 1Words list from the LEE test (Defior et al., 2006). (b) Text Los delfines
Visual Exploration of Visual Patterns
Before analysing the data obtained from the groups of dyslexic and typical children,
some observational aspects regarding the visual patterns of children performing reading
tasks, both word lists and text, are presented. For this purpose, eye movement (EM)
records from two specific subjects (S1 and S2), considered representative of each
studied group, were selected. S1 belongs to the group of typical readers, while S2
is part of the group of children with dyslexia.
Figure 2Screenshot showing fixations during reading of the word list from the LEE test ()
a) Record of S1
b) Record of S2
Figure 3Screenshot showing fixations during reading of the text Los delfines, from the LEE
test ()
a) Record of S1
b) Record of S2
Figure 4Eye movement tracking records of the two readers during reading of the assigned text
a) Record of S1 b) Record of S2
For S1, in reading the word list, an efficient reading pattern is observed, with the
child making a fixation in the centre of the word or slightly to the left in the so-called
preferred viewing location (). This behaviour is maintained throughout almost the entire word list, flexibly expanding
the number of characters that can be recognised in a single fixation. More than one
fixation is only observed on the words “dependiente” (dependent) or “fachada” (facade),
which are longer or less familiar words. In the text reading, some words are also
fixated on more than once, while others are skipped (), mainly if they are short or frequent and are processed parafoveally.
For S2, a greater number of fixations is observed as they require more time to process
each word, segmenting each word into small subunits that need to be sequentially reassembled.
Reduced efficiency of lexical and sublexical processing is seen in each fixation.
During text reading, greater difficulties in decoding are evident. Many of the movements
are random and inefficient, not always directed conceptually. This could indicate
a focus on decoding rather than comprehension.
Statistical Data Analysis
The results obtained from each representative sample group, typical readers and those
diagnosed with dyslexia, are presented below. Table 1 shows the medians for different variables analysed during reading of the text Los delfines. These parameters were selected and analysed as there is no evidence that the studied
values follow a Gaussian distribution that would justify using mean values.
The obtained values for the defined variables (total reading time, number and duration
of fixations, duration, and amplitude of saccades) reveal differences and similarities
between the two studied population samples. A difference is observed in the median
number of fixations and total reading time, supported by results from a Mann-Whitney
U test (p<0.05 for both variables) and a power analysis, which produced power values
of 0.93 for reading time and 0.92 for the number of fixations (). We conclude that these variables are sensitive and valuable indicators for categorising
the groups. The median duration of fixations does not vary between typical children
and those diagnosed with dyslexia. However, a statistically significant difference
in the number of fixations was observed, which accounts for the difference found in
total reading time.
Table 1Statistical description of various variables characterising fixations and saccades
in the two studied population samples during reading of the text Los delfines
Fixations and Saccades
Total ReadingTime (s)
Duration (ms)
Duration (ms)
Amplitude (um)
In figure 5, the number of fixations is shown in relation to the median fixation duration for
each participant, with values for both groups varying within the same time ranges..
Figure 5Representation of the number of fixations and their median duration for each child
in the typical readers and dyslexic groups, along with the median value for each group
Given the similarity in fixation duration, we can conclude that the difference in
time required for the reading task is directly related to the number of fixations.
We found that these variables have a strong positive linear correlation (Spearman
correlation coefficient r=0.91). This is shown in figure 6, where, for each individual, reading time (horizontal axis) and number of fixations
(vertical axis) are plotted. A clear grouping of typical readers can be observed,
with fewer than 200 fixations and reading times generally under 70 seconds. Conversely,
dyslexic children have reading times over 70 seconds and generally make more than
200 fixations.
Figure 6Representation of the number of fixations and total reading time for each child in
the typical and dyslexic groups, along with the median value for each group
In figure 6, three children who are not diagnosed with dyslexia but whose values for number of
fixations and reading time fall within the dyslexic range are also evident.
The analysis of saccadic movement characteristics indicates that there is no significant
difference in saccade duration between the groups; however, the median saccade amplitude
is approximately half in dyslexic children compared to neurotypical readers (p<0.05
in the Mann-Whitney U test). These saccades may be forward or backward. Table 2 provides a characterisation of each.
Table 2Statistical values of variables characterising forward and backward saccadic movements
over the text Los delfines, by study group
Forwards and Backwards
Duration (ms)
Amplitude (um)
Average Speed
Maximun Speed
Duration (ms)
Amplitude (um)
Average Speed
Maximun Speed
Total Proportion %
31 (4)
30 (4)
The results in table 2 show that the differences between both groups for amplitude, average speed, and maximum
speed that characterise saccadic movements are equivalent regardless of whether the
movement is forward or backward. This means the median for dyslexic children indicates
shorter and slower saccadic movements compared to those of typical children. Another
important result is that the percentage of regressions in the total saccadic movements
is equivalent in both groups, resulting in a higher number in the dyslexic group.
The general objective of this study was to investigate the reading characteristics
of primary school children in fourth grade who have already mastered the process of
written language acquisition and achieved a certain level of automation, comparing
them to the reading patterns exhibited by children with dyslexia of the same age through
the study of their eye movements (EM).
The findings of this study are consistent with expected results in terms of speed
and accuracy. Children with dyslexia read more slowly, make more errors, and display
syllabification and hesitations compared to their controls. Regarding EM, the results
align with previous research indicating that readers with difficulties make more fixations,
shorter and slower saccades, more regressions, and take more time to reread the text
than neurotypical readers (; ). Additionally, children with dyslexia were observed to experience greater difficulty
in word processing, considering the effects of length, frequency, and orthographic
complexity (; ), suggesting they are less efficient in lexical processing during each fixation (). This characterisation aligns with the observational description of the EMs of children
S1 and S2, who were taken as representatives of each group.
This study observed differences in word recognition across both groups, a necessary
step toward understanding the text being read. Skilled readers scanned the text flexibly,
adjusting saccades to the length and complexity of the words being read; for longer
words, they made longer saccades, processing more characters and demonstrating an
advantage in word recognition. The EMs of child S1 during reading illustrate this
characterisation. For dyslexic readers, EMs were characterised by analysing smaller
units within each word, typically fragmenting 8 to 10 characters into three or four
segments, depending on the word's complexity, indicating a prevailing use of sublexical
or phonological processing, as observed in other studies (). The description of the EMs of child S2 reflects these findings.
When analysing the results of the typical readers group, three children (figure 6) had not been identified by their teachers as having significant reading difficulties
or diagnosed with dyslexia. Their values for fixation count and reading time were
similar and within the range of the dyslexic group. This information could be useful
in educational settings, enabling the early identification of children who may require
further assessment of their reading performance. Likewise, this data could be of interest
to educational psychologists, allowing them to consider the possibility of more precise
evaluations and timely intervention in children who had not previously been diagnosed.
When comparing the reading patterns of the two children studied, we observe that S1
processes not only information within the fovea but also attends to other information
that appears in the parafoveal region, shifting focus to the next target word while
still processing previous information with regard to orthographic, phonological, and
semantic aspects (; ; ; ), and regressions mainly target content words.
Less skilled readers have a smaller visual perceptual span than more skilled readers,
needing to make several fixations on a word (). Moreover, these readers do not engage sufficiently in parafoveal preprocessing
(), which is essential for efficient and rapid information processing. Longer regressions,
such as moving back more than 10 characters or to another line, generally occur when
comprehension fails. Readers with difficulties must often backtrack several times
Frequent regressions may also be explained by the dyslexic reader's need to reread
the text to recognise words and access meaning due to their decoding challenges.
, comparing EMs in dyslexic and typical readers when reading words and pseudowords,
concluded that dyslexic readers process words similarly to how typical readers process
pseudowords, adopting a sublexical grapheme-phoneme processing approach that overlooks
the lexical value of the word. This results in slow, sequential reading that prioritises
grapheme-phoneme decoding and processing of small word units, lacking a more efficient
global processing that would increase speed. This aligns with dual-route model researchers'
proposals, suggesting that dyslexic readers experience weaknesses in both phonological
and lexical processing (; ). Skilled readers have specific lexical representations of numerous words, enabling
quick and automatic identification, allowing faster reading and efficient comprehension.
Successful reading instruction should assist children in improving their word recognition
system and language processing, rather than focusing solely on EM mechanisms, which
should become more adult-like as a result of improved linguistic processing. EMs become
more regular as linguistic processing improves ().
These results are consistent with previous studies () demonstrating a significant positive relationship between word recognition task
performance and reading comprehension outcomes, particularly in the general population,
as many studies have noted (). Children who efficiently use lexical processing for word recognition typically
achieve adequate text comprehension. In the early primary school years, there seems
to be a dependency between these components, suggesting that word recognition tasks
may predict reading comprehension performance in children from Year 1 to Year 4. Decoding
plays a prominent role in the early years, helping children expand their orthographic
vocabulary and thus their word recognition efficiency ().
From the 1950s to the present, dyslexia, initially referred to as “word blindness,”
has been the subject of numerous research studies and subsequent publications, as
has detailed. However, even today, some children progress through school without
a proper diagnosis and intervention.
Our research group is motivated not only by the academic study of dyslexia but also
by the quest to develop tools that can contribute concrete information to existing
diagnostic methods. Starting from this objective, and given the relatively low number
of publications in Spanish compared to other languages, we conducted this study on
dyslexia using eye movement recording. In this initial study, data obtained from measurements
were processed using descriptive statistics of various variables derived from eye
movement records in this sample. Although our study has some limitations, such as
the lack of preliminary assessments of participants' visual state or vocabulary, we
have observed that some reading process characteristics differ between children with
dyslexia and neurotypical children. These differences align with findings from previous
studies. Typical readers make fewer fixations and saccades of greater amplitude (both
forward and backward) than dyslexic children, although there is no difference in movement
duration between the two groups. Another distinguishing feature between the groups
is the number of regressions, with the dyslexic group showing a higher count.
In conclusion, this study identified eye movement characteristics that allow differentiation
of the decoding process in reading a Spanish text between a group of children diagnosed
with dyslexia and a neurotypical group. Moreover, it is evident that the information
obtained through eye-tracking is valuable not only for advancing the study of dyslexia
but also, using appropriate software and eye-tracking equipment, can be accessible
and useful in educational and clinical settings.
Aligned with these objectives, some authors of this work have conducted studies using
tools from statistical physics and machine learning that enable the separate identification
of the two groups. Specifically, by calculating the quantities of complexity and entropy
based on data from all subjects, the methodology separates dyslexic and neurotypical
groups according to the characteristics of their eye movements.
We would like to express our gratitude to the members of the LEAN group for their
assistance in recording experimental and diagnostic data, as well as to the professionals
at the Comprehensive Centre for Applied Neurosciences (CINA) in Bahía Blanca for their
This research was conducted as part of the projects UNS PGI 24/F078, CONICET PIP KE3
11220200102879CO, and the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion
PICT-2020 – SERIES A - 02450.
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