Hermann Hesse and the perennial adolescence maze in his literary work
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The aim of this research is to investigate the adolescent experiences in a selection of literary works by Hermann Hesse (1877-1962). In these books set up a variety of personal and social issues. These works are close to the concept of the Bildungsroman, or novel of development. The main objective of this work is to analyze twelve novels whose contents are relevant for the way in which the life experience of adolescence is narrated, and it is woven into human relationships of different intensity and nature. A content analysis was then carried out using the Atlas.ti (version 23) programme. Conclusions reveal that Hesse’s works recreate certain themes: the conception of human contradiction or duality; death and suicide; culture as a vital companion; emotional ties; education and a necessary renewal that allows complex paths to be taken again. All this sets up the portrait of the adolescent in search of meaning of life. Hesse’s work enjoys a clear relevance that allows it to provide the readings of the young people which are nowadays often imbued with a worrying degree of uncertainty.
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