Reading process fundamentals. Encouraging reading in secondary education

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Bartolomé Delgado Cerrillo


Considering the social alarm provoked by the students’ low results in reading comprehension (Pisa report, assessment tests...), as well as the decreasing interest in reading at the stage from childhood to adolescence, it is done necessary to reflect about the basis of reading process, in order to design some activities of reading motivation and liveliness in Secondary Education. Our proposal is linked to the classroom, as we part from the necessity of relating books to the real attainment of information, pleasure and entertainment. Students must know what for, how, what about, when, where... to reed in a useful and pleasant way.

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How to Cite
Delgado Cerrillo, B. (2007). Reading process fundamentals. Encouraging reading in secondary education. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (3), 39–53.


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