Movies on TV: implications in children’s and youth’s literature

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Celia Romea Castro


We presented films of television of Christmas of 2006, based on literary works and destined to young people and children. In the work the movies are classified by their literary goods of origin. It is pointed out their literary author and the director of the film production, their content is summarized and a shallow trial of the positive characteristics is made that have or of those that the movie lacks. It has been appealed to the programming of public, private open and closed televisions. The intention is to suggest a guide of films and readings of infantile and youthful Literature - the majority classic that are programmed frequently in the television transmitters, like didactic direction for the teaching staff.

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How to Cite
Romea Castro, C. (2007). Movies on TV: implications in children’s and youth’s literature. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (3), 121–138.


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