“Although I read little, I know that I’m smart”. Case study of an adolescent that does not read literature

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Cristina Aliagas
Josep M. Castellà Lidon
Daniel Cassany


We explore with this case-study reading as a social practice in the life of a Catalan teenager who has dropped out of school at the first year of Bachillerato. From New Literacy Studies’ theoretical perspective we analyze his point of view about the dominant and vernacular literacy practices in which he participates in-and-out of school. The results show that, in spite of his strong lack of interest on academic reading, he has built, apart from school, a rich and active reading life.

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How to Cite
Aliagas, C., Castellà Lidon, J. M., & Cassany, D. (2009). “Although I read little, I know that I’m smart”. Case study of an adolescent that does not read literature. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (5), 97–112. https://doi.org/10.18239/ocnos_2009.05.07


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