Metafictional resources in children’s literature: the case of Dónde crees que vas y quién te crees que eres by Benjamín Prado

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José Manuel De-Amo


In the field of the Youth Literature begins to stand out a narrative practice that is characterised for calling the attention on its own way and its own construction process, revealing thus its nature ficcional. It is a literary production that breaks with traditional narrative codes and that requires of the reader a bouncier way of rapprochement. With this article I have expected to analyse literary techniques and resources recurring in this type of works, little frequent ones in the literary outlook that us squatter. For this, I have investigated, on one hand, in the state of the art about the theory of the metafiction and, for another, in the utilized creative strategies by Benjamín Prado in its novel Dónde crees que vas y quién te crees que eres, because it is a paradigmatic metafictional work.

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How to Cite
De-Amo, J. M. (2010). Metafictional resources in children’s literature: the case of Dónde crees que vas y quién te crees que eres by Benjamín Prado. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (6), 21–34.


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