Contributions of Literature to Social Psychology

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Anastasio Ovejero Bernal


There are two main kind of psychology: a intuitive psychology, and an academic and professional psychology. These two psychologies are different, but they can make important reciprocals contributions. And the best of the intuitive psychology, that in my opinion is in the literature and overall in the romance, can be very useful for professional psychologists. The main end of this paper is to show how the social psychologists can learn from the intuitive psychology of the great romances. This contribution of the romance to the social psychology is, at least, at these two levels. At the level of construction of the subjectivity and the modern subject and the, therefore, of the psychology’s arise, and at the level of some concrete subjects studied by the psychologists (romantic love, jealousy, infidelity, compunction, emotions, vengeance, human relations…).

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How to Cite
Ovejero Bernal, A. (2012). Contributions of Literature to Social Psychology. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (8), 7–20.
Author Biography

Anastasio Ovejero Bernal, Universidad de Valladolid


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