Description and analysis of rewritings and revisions of El Mío Cid

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Aldo Departe Jorge


The widespread of a sort of “Second Degree Literature” (Genette) in the twentieth and twenty-first century constitutes an unequivocal proof of the importance that have acquired literary system factors other than the product, uniquely the market, consumers and interference with other systems. Taking as an example the matter of the Cid, in general terms, and the Cantar de Mio Cid, in particular ones, applying the analysis tools of the paratextuality and intertextuality proposed by Genette, completed by a communicative and pragmatic narratological approach, to a textual tradition in which some versions from different artistic and literary genres have achieved products that meet to a greater or lesser extent, its social, cultural and educational role.

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How to Cite
Departe Jorge, A. (2012). Description and analysis of rewritings and revisions of El Mío Cid. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (8), 33–48.
Author Biography

Aldo Departe Jorge, IES 1º de Marzo de Bayona (Pontevedra)


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