Children’s readings in the 21st century: which place for the Grimm’s tales?

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Maria da Natividade Pires


In this paper we intend to reflect on the impact of the Grimm Brothers’ tales on contemporary society children’s imagination. The analysis results from the data collected from children attending primary education during the academic year 2011-2012. We analyse the representations of the characters’ social
roles in terms of gender and power in some tales’ social relationships, questioning the established dynamics, trying to understand how children of the 21st century react to behaviour patterns and to the magic that exist in these tales.

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How to Cite
Pires, M. da N. (2013). Children’s readings in the 21st century: which place for the Grimm’s tales?. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (9), 107–120.
Author Biography

Maria da Natividade Pires, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco/ Investigadora do IELT - Instituto de Estudos de Literatura Tradicional da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Professora Coordenadora da Escola Superior de Educação do IPCB. Doutorada em Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade de Coimbra. Foi revisora da revista OCNOS em 2011 e 2012.


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