Scientific studies on children’s literature and its didactics: a literature review (2000- 2014)

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Moisés Selfa


This paper is a bibliographic review of the scientific studies published from 2000 to 2014 on children's literature and its tea­ching. The data analyzed show the number of the scientific studies which have focused on children's litera­ture and its educational use and their evolution over these 14 years, the list of lea­ding scientific journals where these studies are published, the list of researchers who mostly have devoted to the scientific study of children's literature and its teaching be­tween 2000 and 2014 and the main thematic areas of scientific study on children's lite­rature and its teaching in this period. This bibliographic review allows us to state that the most studied research lines focuses on authors, titles and genres of children's lite­rature. They are all analyzed from different points of view, although there are other pro­minent lines such as the instructional use of children's literature and literacy for the younger student population and the analysis of stereotyping gender in children's litera­ture texts.

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How to Cite
Selfa, M. (2015). Scientific studies on children’s literature and its didactics: a literature review (2000- 2014). Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (13), 65–84.
Author Biography

Moisés Selfa, Universitat de Lleida

Departamento de Didácticas Específicas. Área de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura. Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Trabajo Social


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