Meta-fiction in Italian children´s book of the 21st Century

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Loreto Gómez-López-Quiñones


In this essay, we aim at analyzing Italian children´s literature published in the 21st Century. In these books, there is a strong meta-literary tendency that brings to the forefront the mechanisms of literary creation such as references to the book, games with the narrative structure, claims for a more active reader´s role, demystification of the narrator, a call into question of the story truthfulness, the mirror game within the fictional world, and the metalepsis. Through all these devices and mechanisms, which can be traced in the Italian literary tradition in authors like Gianni Rodari, a new model of children´s literature is being promoted. This new literary model tries to encourage critical thinking in children-readers and a more dynamic way of reading so that children become more capable of creating, imagining, transgressing and transforming reality.

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How to Cite
Gómez-López-Quiñones, L. (2015). Meta-fiction in Italian children´s book of the 21st Century. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (13), 99–115.
Author Biography

Loreto Gómez-López-Quiñones, Profesora Ayudante-doctora del Centro de Magisterio ¨La Inmaculada¨, adscrito a la Universidad de Granada

Loreto Gómez López-Quiñones se licenció en Filología Hispánica (1997) y Literatura Comparada (1999) en la Universidad de Granada. Comenzó a trabajar como profesora de español en Colorado State University donde realizó un Máster en Liberal Arts (2001). En el 2003, se doctoró por la Universidad de Granada con una Tesis sobre Literatura y Cine. Durante seis años, ha impartido clases de lengua, cultura y literatura españolas en Francia. En la actualidad, trabaja como profesora de lengua y literatura en el Centro de Magisterio ¨La Inmaculada¨, adscrito a la Universidad de Granada.


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