Alzheimer’s disease representation in the Picture Books

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Fátima Cuadrado
María Rosal
Juan-Antonio Moriana
Adoración Antolí


Representations of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) have become increasingly visible in communication media, cinema and literature. The present study centers on the analysis of the various representations of AD aimed at children via picture books. The growth of the picture book as a genre, especially when tailored to the youngest of readers, has facilitated the inclusion of new social issues, such as AD. This study intends to examine the different images that have been elaborated around AD and its place in the family and social environments, as well as to determine the use of a perspective free or not from ste- reotyped and stigmatized ideas about this type of dementia. 

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How to Cite
Cuadrado, F., Rosal, M., Moriana, J.-A., & Antolí, A. (2016). Alzheimer’s disease representation in the Picture Books. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 15(2), 7–20.
Author Biographies

Fátima Cuadrado, Univerdad de Córdoba

Departamento de Psicología

María Rosal, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje

Juan-Antonio Moriana, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Psicología

Adoración Antolí, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Psicología


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