Approach to ecocrytics and ecoliterature: classical youth literature and water imaginaries

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Mar Campos-F.-Fígares
Gloria García-Rivera


 The most recent theories of literary criticism provide us with the possibility of new approaches to classical texts to offer young people the possibility of changing their view of the world around them, learning to read nature in these texts in the light of the ecocritic. For this, we have selected texts (theoretically) well known for their character of youthful classic that can be included in a prominent way in the line of Water Culture, which occupies a predominant place in the studies of ecocritics. Through the analysis of these works the young reader can discover a new look that helps to re-build the relationship of man with nature (and specifically from texts linked to the sea), putting these references in value literary At the same time, these re-readings of the classics from an ecocritical perspective serve to make literary education an ally of environmental education and an active and committed attitude towards current challenges in this field.

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How to Cite
Campos-F.-Fígares, M., & García-Rivera, G. (2017). Approach to ecocrytics and ecoliterature: classical youth literature and water imaginaries. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 16(2), 95–106.
Author Biography

Mar Campos-F.-Fígares, Universidad de Almería

Titular de universidad del área de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Coordinadora del grupo de investigación CEOM (Cultura escrita, oral y mediática)


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