Foreign Language reading habits among students in Extremadura

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Ramón Pérez-Parejo
Álvaro Gutiérrez-Cabezas
José Soto-Vázquez
Francisco Javier Jaraíz-Cabanillas
José Antonio Gutiérrez-Gallego


The abundant research work on reading habits in Spain shows a disaggregation of municipalities and cities with little geographical sample of their results. In this way, taking as a starting point previous studies carried out by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation in Extremadura in 2007, our work intends to update and extend the data of reading habits by applying them to the contemporary geographical reality and the degree of rurality of the region. Thus, in the context of a survey focused on reading habits in Extremadura responded by 9212 students of all educational levels (Primary, Secondary, University) during 2017, this study exposes and specifically analyzes the data obtained on reading in foreign languages according to the sex, age, level of studies and geographical area of the respondents. We also analyze other variables related to reading in foreign languages that may be significant such as the language, the fact that the school is following a bilingual programme and the average of books read in other languages by immigrant students.

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How to Cite
Pérez-Parejo, R., Gutiérrez-Cabezas, Álvaro, Soto-Vázquez, J., Jaraíz-Cabanillas, F. J., & Gutiérrez-Gallego, J. A. (2018). Foreign Language reading habits among students in Extremadura. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 17(2), 67–81.
Author Biographies

Ramón Pérez-Parejo, Universidad de Extremadura

Dpto. de Dca. de las CC.SS, de las Lenguas y de las Literaturas

Álvaro Gutiérrez-Cabezas, Universidad de Extremadura

Didáctica de las Ciencias Soclaies, las Lenguas y las Literaturas

José Soto-Vázquez, Universidad de Extremadura

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y de las Literaturas

Francisco Javier Jaraíz-Cabanillas, Universidad de Extremadura

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y de las Literaturas

José Antonio Gutiérrez-Gallego, Universidad de Extremadura

Departamento de Imagen


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