Reading comprehension: contribution to verbal working memory in single-sex Primary Education

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Cristina De-La-Peña
Diana Ballell


The results of the international tests indicate the need to improve reading comprehension in Mexican students. Verbal working memory is a cognitive process involved in reading comprehension. The aim of this research is to study the possible correlations between verbal working memory and reading comprehension that students of single-sex education have during the first year of Primary Education. The sample consist of 105 students aged between 6 and 9 years old (M=7.35, SD=1) from a single sex school of Jalisco (México). The instruments used are the text comprehension test (PROLEC-R) to assess reading comprehension and letters and numbers (WISC-IV) to evaluate verbal working memory. Results of the linear regression indicate that verbal working memory predicts reading comprehension. Educational implications are proposed to enhance reading comprehension during acquisition courses in songñe sex education.

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How to Cite
De-La-Peña, C., & Ballell, D. (2019). Reading comprehension: contribution to verbal working memory in single-sex Primary Education. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 18(1), 31–40.


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